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This page is dedicated for this year’s Testimonials and Loving Reviews ( because the past 13 years turned into a book! lol!), I have created yet another page for fantastic seekers, who have  captured my light and love.  Periodically I will be copying and pasting them here; unedited for your enjoyment

My Dear Marissa

It has been over a week that I have returned back home to Switzerland and I hope this message finds you well.

I just wanted to say thank you for the two amazing encounters you allowed me to have with beautiful You. They were both among the most powerful, energizing, sensual and loving experiences I ever had and they are still having an impact on me.

In fact, I keep having vivid dreams at night in which You and I make love together in the most passionate and divine way I could imagine. These dreams are so real to me that I usually wake up from them with a smile and a heart filled with love, carrying me through my days.

I am so grateful ...

In my thoughts, I am wrapping you up in a soft blanket of love, holding you and covering you with a warm shower of rainbow kisses.

Hi Marissa,

I can't stop thinking about your skin !! LoL It was so smooth and tanned and flawless - found that very alluring.

(I felt like I wanted to bend you over and devour you from behind...)

Ahem, ahem (clearing my throat, having a moment there), back to your email below, yes I will check it out.

I had a great time and it was totally worth it. You are a very deep individual with sexuality oozing out of you.

I wish I could afford to see you I a regular basis as a grasshopper under its Master's wing....but I would be bankrupt by month end and no grocery money or car payment left to make....

I practice the breathing and the kegel control as you instructed.

I look fwd to the day and do the 5 times salute you mentioned with my little soldier ! Maybe then I can get a reward....;-)

Many Thanks

Hi Marissa,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for an amazing ‎time together 2 Saturdays ago! Time has flown by, busy with work, friends, family etc and this note of thanks in late in coming.
You are a fantastic woman and I loved our time together. I believe we had a wonderful connection with beautiful chemistry! I look forward to seeing you again soon and taking our journey to new heights...
Hope you are well
Pura Vida!

Hi Marissa,
I had an amazing time with you a few weeks ago! You took me on an awesome journey. Thanks again! I think it's time for that journey to continue! Are you available to see me again? Tuesday at noon for 2 hours?

I hope this message finds you in high spirits.  

I have reflected often on the experience that you shared with me, all with a warm feeling in my body and soul.  I am thinking of heading your way again Friday June 27th, was wondering if you were available?  Hoping our paths intertwine once again.

Thank you.
Dakini Marissa,  I have had several sessions with you.  I was hoping I could schedule a session for tomorrow morning (monday July 14), between 10am-11:30 for 1.5 hrs. I have very much appreciated and enjoyed our sessions together. I have learned many things but also realize the need to for renewal sessions for deeper learning and feeling.  I hope this request is not too last minute.

hi Dakini Marissa,
thank you for the chocolate werthers. Also thank you for allowing me to touch you back.
enjoy the rest of the day.

hi Marissa

Just a quick thank you. I was laying in bed tonight trying to relax. For whatever reason, my mind went to the session I had with you about a month ago. It went to something specific that aroused me, which as not happened in years.

Just wanted to say thank you


In spite of a not so stiffening performance on my part, I did have a wonderful time with you. I hope, with what I learned, I can bring  Kim around to our train of thought. That sex is an essential part of our relationship and life. I can hardly wait for her to get home so I can practice what you taught me. SLOW &KEEP BREATHING That said, I got home late last night and had a little practice, (solo) but now I just have to work on the not coming part.  :-(  (no porn)  :-(  Hopefully I can convince Kim she needs the Marissa experience, if not I'm all in for a return trip when I'm ready to learn something new again.  Thanks so much& keep in touch ....Douglas

Hi Dakini marissa....i just wanted to thank you again for today i really appreciate everything you did. ...i feel like there's hope for happiness and i really want to see you again for more. ...i drove home and everything around me seemed different. ...seemed calmer and hopeful.....and to top it all off are so beautiful.....inside and out

I hope that you got home safe.
I had fun today and I will definitely practice.
I would love to continue learning from you.
Thanks again,

Hi Marissa,
I just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you for your time back at the end of November.  This is delayed so my apologies.  I really enjoyed our time.  Your presence and studio are so welcoming, relaxing and of course sensual.  I felt comfortable the whole time and felt free to open up to you.  Next time I hope to come better rested after a trip across the country.  I will be back soon through and hope to see you again to practice some more.  I have signed up for your email updates which I look forward to.
If you have any recommendations for similar practices in Calgary I would really appreciate guidance here.
See you again soon.

Dear Marissa

You were wonderful - I was captivated by your sensuality and touch - and your eyes!  It will take days for me to come back to Earth after I land in London.  I will treasure our intimacy

xoxox Phil

Hi there !

We connected two years ago went I was in TO. We had a wonderful time ! What is your availability tonight?


Hi Mary Anne. I wanted to tell you that our session last week or was it two weeks ago was out of this world. To get to see you again, I watched one of your Rogers episodes (near the pool). You are so gorgeous and your legs ..... what they do for me!!  I could kiss and eat every inch of you. :-)



I just got back to B and I'm sipping on a glass of red wine still drinking in the after glow (no pun intended , but it's not bad). You made me feel whole and complete today the way I use to feel. Wow what a time we had being in the moment. i haven't felt that way in years. We didn't have intercourse but the feelings and energy exchanged was almost as good. You allowed me to bring pleasure to you and visa versa. I loved talking with you after as well. We both seem very open and connected with each other the way I feel all people should be.
I will think and try the various suggestions we talked about and see what happens. I just know there has to be some changes pretty soon as it is having a real impact on me and I don't want it to start affecting my health.
I will have to try and work something out so we can do this again. A is away in Aug. and Oct. so for sure we will get together then.

Thank you for being who you are

With love

Hello Dakini
Hope all is well. I wanted to thank you again for a great safe experience last week. It is truly appreciated.
I will be in Ottawa this week and decided to reach out to Dakini Devi Bliss in Ottawa. She is another Dakini I have contemplated to meet. I am hoping the experience will be as safe as it was with you. She asked if I had ever had a tantric session and I told her I did last week. She seemed to know who you are. Do you know of her as well? Can you vouch for her as being legitimate tantric coach as you are?
Many thanks

I had truly wonderful session. Thank yo I u.

Hi Dakini
Hope all is well. Read your latest blog this evening and thought it was great... felt like you were writing to me! :)) BTW still high from our last meeting. Hope you are having a good week!
Ciao xoxoxo

Dearest Marissa,

Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your time, your heart and your body with me. :-)  You are a very good teacher. I am so happy that the universe has led me to you.

I'll be returning to Toronto on January 20th and will have some time in the afternoon.  Would you be interested in meeting again?

Warmly yours,


Hi Dakini

A quick note to thank you for your time today. I appreciated your gentleness and patience and I will practice the breathing techniques you shared with me.

Take care.


ps Thank you for sending over the book title that you recommended..

Hi Marissa,

I hope you are doing well, I am not sure if you remember me but I came and saw you a few times while I was living in Toronto late last year.  

My sexual experiences since the sessions we had have completely changed this year and I feel like I can enjoy my connection with my partner in a completely different way. Allowing me to open up and enjoy sex so much more.  So I thank you so much for that.

It's also allowed me to be more confident in my own body.

I have to say I have see a few practitioners since arriving in back home and the sessions with you were incomparable.  You helped me completely open up and feel free in those sessions.

I will be returning to Toronto the 10th of December for about a week and would like to potentially do 2 sessions while I am there.  I would really like to explore Tantra a bit more but I am interested to know what we could do, I did standard massage sessions with you.

I am open to hearing what sessions you might think could work but I am interested in trying Dark Tantra but I don't really know much about it.  

I look froward to hearing from you.

Thanks, C

Dearest Marissa,
Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your time, your heart and your body with me. :-)  You are a very good teacher. I am so happy that the universe has led me to you.
I'll be returning to Toronto on January 20th and will have some time in the afternoon.  Would you be interested in meeting again?
Warmly yours,

Hello, Dakini! This is M

Our time together last night was magnificent, wonderful and very educational!

I would love to spend some more time together and recieve more of your divine instruction.

Would you be available on Sat Jan 23rd, in the evening again, say 830 or 9pm? Thanks.

Thank you Marissa for a wonderful time and for the book reference. I will order it when I get home.

I truly hope you share your message with more people. There are so many that need guidance. Below is a link to the public speaking club I mentioned as well as the Intimate Puja meetup I attend.


I wish you safe travels on your trip next month and look forward to seeing you in April.



Hi Marissa
I really enjoyed seeing you and I'm really looking forward to coming back to see you. What days work best for you this week and also if you have any ideas for our next session as in length and things to explore I would love to continue with you. I felt amazing last time I was there and would love to journey with you on my sexual explorations. I'm very open to anything g you have to offer and would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. To be honest when you said people come once a month exc I feel like my needs are much more as that would be too long of a period for me to wait Inbetween your sessions. I really do look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions for our future sessions.

Warm regards  

Good day to you.
I just wanted to thank-you so much for sharing your time and energy with me yesterday afternoon.   I was tingling and energized long through the day.   Very eye opening.
I have just finished my first reading of The Multi Orgasmic Man.   There was an awful lot of information there and I don't know that I fully grok it all as yet, but it's a learning process and I am sure over time, after subsequent readings and with lots of practice it will become clearer.  
I was amazed at how you were able to show me how to push down the point of no return feeling and keep going a short time later.
I am really looking forward to seeing how these new techniques can enhance my sex life. 
Last question, knowing that I have a lot of practice ahead to start my journey towards mastery of these techniques, do you suggest that I come back some time in the future to review progress and give additional instruction?  Does it make sense to visit again in 3 months?  6 months?
Again.  Thank you for your tutelage, it was very enlightening.

Hi Dakini
I hope that you are doing well
Well it has been a week now since our first session.  I have to tell my body didn't stop tingling for a day afterward
You have awakened something in me that has been dormant for too many years, both a sexual and emotion excitement and just think that's only after one session.
I have also been doing my "homework" as opportunity present itself and I want to meet with you again
With that in mind, are you available this Friday at 1PM?
Also can we have a 2 hour session without the bath but for the same donation of course

Hi Dakini
Thank you for another wonderful time together
I want to let you know that   I am truly honoured that you felt comfortable enough with me to open up like that. It really helps me to get to know who you are.
Considering the short amount of time I've known you it's amasing  how comfortable I am with you as well.
I also very much enjoyed the time we spent  together just talking about things. I have learned alot from you already and I am really looking forward to seeing you again probably in the first week of April.
Andy xoxoxxxx

Hello beautifull sensual tender DAkini. I just Walt to thank you from thé bottons or my heart and body for that terrific meeting

HI Marissa,

I have had a couple of sessions with you (You are Awesome by the way) in the recent past and will be visiting Toronto again June 2 & 3.  

I am considering Dark Tantra and wondering if you would have suggestions how to enter this.

Look forward to hearing from you,


Dear Dakini Marissa,

I have visited your website after a Tantra practitioner in Montreal suggested your name, when I asked her if she knew a good Tantra practitioner in Toronto. She does not know you, but some of her clients did mention your name favourably.

I am new to Tantra. I had only a few sessions in Montreal, but you love to experience more.

I will be in Toronto today, until Friday. I am very interested in experiencing your offering: either an interactive session or the Yoni ritual.

I would be available, after 7pm, either today (Sunday) or Tuesday or Thursday.

Looking forward to meet my Goddess...

Hi Dakini Marissa,

Thank you once again for helping to set my feet in the right direction in my life.
It like I have been drifting for so long now in life now and meeting you and sharing all that amazing energy and being able to open up and share and say things that have been on my mind really made a difference for me.

I have always had a hard time feeling comfortable in my own skin and show the real me and not be afraid of what other people think about me when I do.
Now that I`m heading for 50 that fact has really started to hit home how much of my life I wasted worrying and overthinking things and then not doing them.
I was very nervous and almost second guessed myself about going to see you, but I had a good feeling that I should do it and I was right that I did.
I believe that life is going to have some real changes for me now and that it will turn into the good, happy and positive life that I want to have.
I know it won`t be easy but I must reach out for the light now and stretch myself like never before.
Yesterday was so many wonderful things and I loved that it awakened  my sensuality and sexuality again without making me feel ashamed or guilty.
It felt good to receive and give back to you what you were helping to make me feel so I hope that I was able to give a little bit of good energy back to you as well.
The time passed so amazingly and I could have kept on talking and sharing with you even longer, so thank you for all that you gave to me yesterday because it has been far too long since I felt that good in my life in the last couple of years.

You have opened my eyes to the Tantra way and I look forward to learning more about it from you again soon.


I am overjoyed to have come across your engaging
presence online. Your site is a testament to just
how special you are. I am impressed by who you
are and what you are doing. Your efforts are
appreciated and your impact is profound. Know
that you are touching hearts and souls in ways
positive. Thank you for being a shining light. I
wish you a journey of great joy where all your
dreams come true.

May you walk landscapes of love as you manifest your
divine destiny and May you embrace your magnificence
as you traverse pathways of light.

Yours in Whole Being Wellness

Some who randomly reached out to me!

Hello Dakani Marissa!

I trust all is well with you!

I'm John, and am blessed in reading your newsletter weekly! In a nutshell, I'm here to thank you and in 1000 words or less (!!) and express how your words and feelings you give openly transcend a screen and bring joy to me and have given me a new life goal which was elusive until now, and it would be remiss if I didn't let you know how your goodness affects me and I know your psyche is ethereal and eternal.

I did call you a few weeks ago-your cheerful happy voice {  :-)  } and courtesy was much appreciated- after reading your newsletter and I was so touched, had tears of joy and was sobbing in such a happy relief that your words, your gift of thought and inspiration brought me a happiness I've never felt in such a way - I was so moved I had to call and say you made me so happy and was/am in awe at being given your vibrant dynamic feelings to me and all close to you.

You are a rare gem Marissa. Yes, we all work for a living, however you are special in so many ways. I know you're very intelligent, and not just regarding Stanford- Binet numbers but Emotional Intelligence, feelings and soul and loving kindness. You are fantastically honest  in such a positive way. You're open and express your sexually dynamic self, and critically give all of yourself openly...what a joy and your spirit of sharing yourself to better us all...and inspire me from what I have learned and will learn.

A quick tangent: I too love Costra Rica, and all warm climates; people ask me why I went to UCLA and The University of Hawaii! Sunshine....

Your words, feelings, you radiate love and beauty in a way I've never felt, and what a gift as suddenly my life is so bright as I have a rebirth ahead! And please accept this sincere compliment as I did notice your superb pictures, and yes you are extremely beautiful. Extremely. Radiant eyes, your loving smile; poise. Wow....

I shant bore you with my bio as I'm forward looking, and am not a rich guy...I do well, and in 2017, instead of a vacation I'm hoping to be able to do so much better with my time and meet and learn from you. I know how I feel and know and am eagerly open to learn from you, not just for my own betterment but to ideally give what I've learned to others. To finally be safe, at ease and transcendent, to finally be totally free with myself and with you with your guidance.

Thank you for reading my note to you Marissa, and please know I had to let you know how, by pure happenstance and universal blessing that I know I'll finally become the person I've always wanted to be with hopefully your wisdom and kindness. I may know 'love', 'intimacy' by dictionary definition, and to state the obvious, I do know and crave passion and, yup, sex. On occasion I've felt intimacy with a sexual partner, that combination is sublime!!...oddly,lately, with married women who initiate...things.

I am aware of what I know,  and aware as time goes by how much I don't know and want to learn. I feel you have have so much to teach me as I know you are gifted and healing. I look forward to finally being able to finally trust you more than any other and give all of myself to you to make me the person who can bring joy the way you have done so to me Marissa!

Be well!!

Happy New Year Dakini. Marissa!
I am not sure if you would remember me, my name is Michael Buick, I am from Burlington and I spent a glorious session with you back around the end of September early October. I would like to continue my journey as I was completely and thoroughly put at ease and my issues melted away at the time.   It to mention I felt we had a connection. Well after much thought I have decided I would like to see where my innermost thoughts, fantasies and opening myself up completely emotionally and sensually will take me. You hv a special and unique gift and I am hoping you will help me explore. Would you please hv a brief conversation with me at your convenience about some of your packages and specific items?? I believe this is a journey for exploration of my soul and deepest desires and would be honoured for you to teach and guide me.

Should I contact you from the number on your website?  

Hello Marissa.

My name is L
I came to see u about a little over a year ago, an experienced a prolonged tantra session with you. It was an amazing experience.
You taught me a lot in that session and would like to be taught more by you.
I read your website over and would like to book a nuru experience with you.
Anytime tomorrow (Saturday) would be great.
Now, should I also call you to connect? Or is this email sufficient?
Thank you

Good Morning Dakini,

Although the weather forecast for the week is calling for snow and a n'oreaster, the morning here in Ohio is very crisp, but beautiful with sunshine.  I hope it's the same in Toronto.

As you can imagine, the wig, jewelry, and clothing are back in their place and any remnants of my manicure and pedicure have been removed.   However, the magic of our evening together will remain etched on my soul and in my memories!

As I drove home to the states on Friday, I was able to reflect on our evening together and to actually realize how magnificent it was.

The experience with you was absolutely magical, wonderful, and beautiful.  Even before I walked through the door to your sanctuary, I knew I was in good hands.  You were inviting, gentle, encouraging, charismatic, and open to teaching me what you have learned and shared with so many others that have ventured into your life. With you I felt my burdens and stress being lifted.  There were no taboos, only acceptance and experimentation.

Some of the most beautiful memories of the evenings are the smallest as well.  Some of my favorites include the way you gently stroked  my hair and tucked it behind my ears to show a new look and the double earrings, the way you assisted me with my bra and putting on the stockings for me (I have never experienced that before), and the luxurious bath where you shared with me the name of "Lori".  I believe it's the right name and I will use it moving forward.

I also learned the importance of patience and truly enjoying the experience and multitude of feelings that envelope us each day.  I believe you said it was not about the speed to get where we want to go, but truly enjoying the moments that take us to our level of ecstasy.  Two memories bring that point home more than anything.  The first was our shared moments as you took me from laying on your bed and teasing me with your touch to the ending of me finding those sacred areas on your back.  How we traveled with each other between those two points was an experience I will never forget!  I felt so complete afterwards and fulfilled afterwards. That was all about patience and enjoying the experience and the flood of energies that come along.  The second one, that was a great reminder for me was when you fed me the chocolate kisses.  A gentle reminder from you to enjoy the taste (the moment), which I did more on the second one.  Point well taken by me!  

Thank you for accepting me as I am, with my baggage, burdens, and oddities.  Thank you for helping me to accept my femininity and to help "Lori" blossom and grow.  I realized I don't always need to be dressed as Lori to feel the emotions she would feel.  I don't need to be dressed as Lori to respond as she would with her friends.  I love being Lori and all that she encompasses.

You are an amazingly beautiful woman.  Not only in your physical features, but your beauty shines in your name, your natural approach to life, your honesty, openness, willingness to educate, and willingness to listen. Your beauty shows in your heart and soul by your acceptance of others, your kindness, and your entire approach to life.  You are comfortable with who your are and your direction in life and that's very important.  

I still have much so much to learn from you and I look forward to our next experience together.

Thank you also for providing the information about the music that was part of our shred experience.  I look forward to purchasing it and listening to it as well.

Have a wonderful day and week!


Hi Marissa:
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful session on Wednesday and for sharing your life stories with me. I will stay in touch.
Hugs and Kisses,

Hello Dakini,
Yes indeed, a very long time. November 2016 to be exact. And since then, my only 'Dark' session with you has lingered. Lovingly. Intimately.
Your recent blogs let it all hang out there. Informative and straight forward as always. I love reading them.
I remain a Seeker of sensual domination and wish to further explore that darker side of myself with your Mistress Marissa Savana self. To explore further and discover what is erotically possible.
If possible and if you are willing please advise myself of your availability either Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week. Owing to the elapsed time, would a conversation be in order prior to?

     Good Morning:

I hope this email finds you well.
My name is __________ and I have had the pleasure of visiting with you on several occasions but not recently.
It has actually been quite a while.I would be very interested in booking a bath ritual session.It sounds fantastic.
I know it is short notice but would you happen to have any available time today.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Dearest Dakini,


Thank you for a wonderful, loving and safe evening on Thursday.

I've done my 'Tetris' sorting of everything i felt and have taken away from our blissful, talkative experience. 

After leaving you the other night i felt ... lighter? ... if that makes any sense ... also learning about myself and what FOOD i need and it goes without saying how AWESOME you were! 

Your place feels magical and you're gorgeous btw! i think you caught me 'drinking you in' a couple of times. lol

On the physical side the touching, caressing, kissing was with me for rest of the night.

On the sex side a little' yellow light forgettable' but to let you know im capable of 'gold medal memorable' if i can only find my switch. Which is what i mean when i said i learned something about myself ... the eyes the soulful return gaze sealed with a deep kiss and making out starts the launch sequence! I already knew this but what i realized is that I've CONDITIONED myself to settle for less but still PROCEED with a potential loveaaa.

That soulful, loving gaze back is more rare than i realized.


I had an amazing journey with you.

Love, peace, rainbows and butterflies, thinking of you.

Until we meet again, .

Grasshopper Jim



Good morning Dakini.


I had a fantastic time with you yesterday.  It was very pleasureable and you were very professional, and very sensual.


You opened my eyes to a whole new way of making love.


I have been doing it wrong for so many years!  I didn't know what I didn't know ... that is how out of touch I was.


You have shown me a new way to a more pleasureable experience for myself, and for my  new partner (if/when I find one).


I will follow your advice, and I would like to see you again in approximately a month to see how I am progressing.


I hope you would allow me to contact you on occassion, if I have any questions or need some advice. 


Until then, thank you for opening my eyes and my senses.


Have a great day!


- Douglas



Hi Dakini,


I wanted to write to you to thank you for sharing such a beautiful experience with me today.  I feel blessed to have met someone with your knowledge, wisdom and also strong feminine presence.  

I've been paying close attention to my energies today.  I've found myself exuding a level of confidence I don't have most days.  A certain level of positive energy that gives a bounce to my step but also makes me more open to others and more comfortable in my own skin.  Its tangible and I really want to work hard to harness this energy consistently - to feel more alive.  

I will practice as we had discussed with the deep breathing and bringing myself close to the edge and then coming back down.  If there is anything else you would recommend I focus on until our next meeting please do let me know.

With thanks and love


That was by far the most magical sexual experience of my life. Thank you for letting me experience this. 


I look forward to seeing you again. I feel as if I am infatuated with you. You are a gorgeous woman and make me feel very relaxed. I would love to chat more with you before our next session.


I want to make it as enjoyable for you as it was for me. How was I as a man for you?


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