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Horny Goat Weed

Hola, hola lovelies! Have you ever grown an herb garden before? That's a negative you say? Well, I'd once again like to be heroic, by betting all my baskets of eggs, that after reading today's sexy skinny; you'll be staking out an area in next years green acres for the reigning patch for horny herbs! Horny goat weed (goat weed) IS an herb that has been a traditional remedy in China (clever little nips) for centuries! It’s used for hangin low libido's, dysfunctional stiffy's, collapsed liveliness, thinking life is agony, AND, a horrendous handful of other sexually dysfunctional conditions. Notice I said conditions; THEY TO WILL PASS, IF, you keep one foot in front of the other, by following me brothers!!!!! Catch this! There are some male birds out there who take this herb; which I prefer to call horny goat weed, as an alternative natural lingam tonic, for the floppy puppet! There’s new evidence to support this grasshoppers! A lab study found that a compound in this particular herb, blocks the effects of an enzyme that restricts the blood flow to Mr. Happy. Epimedium, which IS the suspect for the active part in the parcel of horny goat weed; AND, appears to act as a phosphodiesterase. What the hell is that you ask? I didn't have a F****** clue either, BUT, thanks to good ol' Google; it tells me that it's an enzyme that breaks a phosphodiester bond. Ya, well, that still meant shit to me! Anyway, as simply as I can stick it to ya; those suckers are central to ALL life on Earth, as they make up the backbone of THE strands of nucleic acid in DNA people! If there’s just ONE idea I can IMPRESS upon you today; IT'S THIS! Horny equals healthy, no? F*** ya! You see, few Sisters and brothers out there even know this, BUT (it was bound to happen again) YOUR sexy sex drive IS actually THE indicator of your overall health; period, end of Yin Yang story! That’s because YOUR pushy pickup and go IS a DIRECT reflection of YOUR overall hormonal balance and hormones ARE the MASTER regulators of nearly every structural, organ vehicle, AND, gratifying process in YOUR Goddess damn body, INCLUDING your dismal emotions, doleful moods, AND, consciousness itself! ALL men in the world have their lusty ladies, AND, each one has a unique and individual way of showing and expressing LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, no? You all better damn well be nodding your beaners to that wringer! Sometimes, cocksure crunches crop up, AND, when that happens? Our brothers dismally are unqualified to achieve that honourable lapel crest for their masculine name of this sexy game! It WILL gradually become a smelly can of worms that invariably causes strain and puts the entire relationship in jeopardy! Lady LOVE, LOVE, LOVE will go ahead and authorize herself to start feeling unsatisfied which IS gonna cause cupid's arrow to take a detour elsewhere! Dudes, DO YOU WANT THIS? Of course not! PAY CLOSE ATTENTION! Unanticipated emission "Out of Control" IS the BIGGEST sexual problem for the MALE HUMAN SPECIE everywhere around this F***** plane of existence! AND? The more serious side to this "What's definitely goin down" IS the fact that Sir softy CAN'T provide his Reigning Queen with HER sexy spasm attack before his early discharge!!!!! Now, it's bulls eye balls on, that this can be caused by numerous physical and psychological factors, BUT, (who knew) with the lifestyle of Tantra? It doesn't have to be this way for those various physiological BULLSHIT demeanour's. Look back at Ancient Ayurveda science people! This practicing element in the lifestyle of Tantra (which IS what it is) knows of herbs that CAN be used for an antidote for untimely venting of your Dude's lingam; soooooooo that the devotee to due diligence, CAN bring their LOVE, LOVE, LOVE lives back to the flawless level IT SHOULD BE AT once again! Below I've weeded out, AND, added some out of the ordinary exotic MUST PLANT herbs to stick together with our horny ass goat bosom buddy! I haven't even heard of these sexy saplings, BUT, if you can't grow em, you can drink em as a tea lovelies! I found them in the natural health store at Queen Street & Bathurst in Toronto called Herbie's Herbs! Winter cherry has been used for centuries to cure numerous male dangling disputes, AND, increases the male moxie! Also known for its rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties; I can't see why you wouldn't give it whirl guys! This herb gets right down to where the BUSINESS IS, when it comes to enhancing your sexual life. Affecting your physical sexual stamina, AND, lusty libido makes it a PERFECT elixir for your uncooperative manhood! Cowhage apparently IS one of the best La La stimulants in the whole Goddess heavenly blessed body! This horny herb grows wild in the warmer native grass roots of Africa, South America and the Indian subcontinent. The wealth of this verdure makes it THE BEST solution for almost all points of departure. AND? That shit increases primal sexual stamina, a conductor for impotence, AND, increases the sperm count; that is, IF, you still wanna chaperon some sorry ass soul onto this planet as it is right now!!! The early purple orchid IS one of the best aphrodisiac herbs IN THE WORLD! TRULY potent for enhancing the performance of your body and increasing your sexual power of endurance! Not to mention increasing that vital transmission fluid to your members of the ballroom dance! Ok lovelies; I've screened out 4 serious stand outs, so no pleas please! It's all about keepin er hard for HER, remember! oxoxoxo

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