Sanctified Sexy Slut
Sisters, brothers! Today I wanna shed the light; the only light that matters in this lifestyle of the Feminine that is. There IS a polished lining in the Sacred Prostitute that penetrates into the heart of this darkness on our dreary planet! She's the consecrated Priestess, of HER Temple, she's Spiritually receptive to the Feminine power flowing through from her Goddess, AND, at the same time? She's joyously aware of the beauty and passion in her own human body of course! The idea of a Sanctified Sexy Slut, IS (in today's F****** up society) almost entirely incomprehensible to the pee wee modern imagination! Yet, Sacred Prostitution involves Women having sex (the Sacred union) as an act of Worship. It's completely unlike what we think of as prostitution, as it is today. The relationship between men and Women in this ancient tradition IS based on respect, FOR THE WOMAN! She was seen as a powerful personage (which she damn well is!). My intentions with this blazing bulletin today ISN'T to debate on whether or not prostitution should be legal or judge, whether it’s morally right or wrong. BUT, to help you FOCUS on learning WHY the F*** at one time, prostitution WAS considered Sacred, AND, to explore her Dignified titled position. This sexy leading star role has been repeatedly described as the world’s oldest profession, right? Absolutely! Conjointly transpiring throughout Goddesses damn history in ALL societies! BUT, the earlier forms of Happy Horny Women were referred to as Sacred Prostitutes! So, why the hell was it sacred? Well, in Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Greece and Egypt, there weren't any brothels. There were Temples, occupied by captivating Women also known as Priestesses at the time. Sooooo, to understand the Sacredness of the sexual act, it MUST be seen in the context of a society that must have lived in close harmony with nature. Like no shit, I've been preaching this for years!!! The practice of Sacred Sexual Intercourse within the Temples of Innana and Ishtar were important and common rituals in Mesopotamia, were understood to strengthen the land with the Divine Fertile energy. Sexual desire and response WAS (and still should be) experienced as a regenerative power, and WAS recognized as a gift or a blessing from the Divine FEMININE! Both a man’s and Woman’s sexual nature together with their Spiritual attitude were inseparable. Look people, from this perspective, it’s not rocket sexy science, when it comes to understanding why the practice of Sacred Prostitution became a reverent act of Worship; where Sexuality and Spirituality ARE one and the Goddess damn same! These sexy sanctuaries of the Goddess, that were provided for the enshrined Minx revealed far more knowledge than is known in this millennium! India (of course) has historically EMBRACED a much more richer tradition for Spirituality and Divine Sexuality, thank Goddess! These Jezebel's were known as Deva's, service providers of immortals in Hindu Temples. So, who exactly was a wonderful wench? Well my lovelies; SHE was the original Sexual healer. Like Daaaaa! A glowing Priestess, who embodied power, wisdom, purity, AND, the willingness to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE with her ENTIRE body and soul! These little Tarts embodied LOVE, preserved their Sexuality, AND, held the highest Spiritual authority. They empowered men to reconnect with themselves and Spiritual forces through mutual sexual pleasure and collective prayer. And let me tell ya, those cherished Hussy's weren't shamed, viewed as a victim, or forced into prostitution either! They WILLINGLY acted from an empowered place of service. One common practice that took place was called taking the WAR out of a man. When men returned from war, they were INVITED to pass through the Temple doors. Don't be afraid of us! Our Sisters would bathe, soothe and knead their physical, emotional and Spiritual wounds. Then expand their magnetic field to absorb all of the combatants wounded energy, I'm talkin about literally drawing the effects of war from their bodies, minds and souls! Through the power of HER energy, and purity of HER Femininity, she would gently and tenderly LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him back to wholeness. Christ, doesn't that sound F***** familiar!!! The cusp of the Sanctified Sexy Slut is a topic wayyyyyy to extensive for me to even cover in its entirety, with this particular cascade of contentions; because there's innumerable theories suggesting reasons (to no end) for the BULLSHIT SHIFT in values resulting from a combination of causes. BUT, there became a time when the Goddess was no longer Worshiped (bloody horrifying if you ask me, BUT, you didn't so too F***** bad!) and the physical and Spiritual aspects of the Feminine were declared evil! I think we all know (you'd better) when that turn of events took place. The Blessed Anointed Broads were never about women selling their bodies to please and serve men to their detriment (heaven forbid!). BUT, rather the idea and revelation of looking beyond these kinds of self destructive behaviors. The universe's sexy seducer IS a metaphor for the kind of healing that happens when we give ourselves over to FEMALE LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, AND, to the possibility of allowing joy to happen throughout our bodies, AND, in our lives! Grasshoppers, we MUST rise above old BULLSHIT boundaries and from there? Grow, learn to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and please ourselves, then we can transport and master love, AND, make the grade with others. This, IS the ultimate truth of THE Sacredness. Alright! Be well my lovelies!!! oxoxoxo