The Tantra approach for improving your sex life
Please note this website is not a menu it represents a lifestyle
Contact Dakini for appointments
416 556 2647
Note: I am not a Doctor
Basic Initial Session - $300/hr
Namaste seekers of truth!
Need one on one help? Email me here!
NEW! Check out the healthy Tantra retreat in Costa Rica! Click Here.
It is my joy to invite you to connect with our work; and learn more about the transformational potential of what we offer through the medium of Tantra, Kundalini Energy Work, Sacred Touch and the Tantra lifestyle and Integral Sexuality/Spirituality. You will be taught the unique way of how sexual energy can transform your life!
I am Dakini; founder/owner of the Community; and we are here to honour you, assist you, and to treat you with respect and unconditional love. In fact, we are here to remind you of your divinity, the source of your greatest fulfillment lies within you. It is my pleasure to facilitate private sessions for individuals and couples in person, via Skype, or in workshops, retreats, trainings and other events.
Here, I welcome you to the enlightening world of Tantric sex! You will be bringing back bliss into the bedroom once and for all, through Sex with Dr. Zen. Learn to explore sexuality & beyond. Tantra delivers healthy sexuality for youthful living, sexy nutrition, emotional connection with your partner & a whole lot more.
When it comes to Tantric sex, many couples often expect that part of their lives to take care of themselves; the reality is that it is an important aspect of relationships that needs tended to like a garden if you want it to flourish & grow!. If you never changed the oil in your car, would you be surprised when the engine stopped working? Once we realize that a boring sex life is not a broken sex life, that’s when we can start working toward improving intimacy once again in your relationships.
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Studio Location
Bathurst & St Clair
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
London, Ontario, Canada
Costa Rica, Central America
Main line: 416 556 2647
Essential Elements
Bathing Rituals
Giving & Receiving
Sexy Nutrition
Naked Yoga
Sensual Sound Healing
Sensate Exercises